MIXO 300A - modular connector for currents up to 300A

The growing demand for electricity around the world has also increased the demand for more efficient devices and, therefore, industrial components. Uninterrupted energy supply and proper load management can only be guaranteed by high-current connectors of the highest quality. The MIXO 300 A series perfectly meets the needs of today's industry. Modular inserts and loads up to 300 A and 1000 V meet the requirements of a wide range of applications. The reinforced MIXO series is based on the advantages of standard products, which are distinguished by safety, easy and quick installation, well-thought-out component variants and durable and reliable solutions.
Users looking for a connector that:
- is straight or angular,
- carries strong currents,
- it is quick, easy and safe to install,
- is compact,
- allows you to connect cables with a large range of cross-sections;
MIXO 300A offers a connector that:
- thanks to its modular design, can be quickly and easily installed both straight and at an angle,
- transmits currents up to 300A and voltages up to 1,300VDC,
- thanks to a special cap (which can be rotated by an angle that is a multiple of 90 degrees), prevents accidental contact with a live conductive element, which prevents electric shock,
- has contacts for cables with cross-sections ranging from 16 to 120 mm2,
- takes up little space,
- available modules in the PE version, which have a board allowing direct connection between the PE contact and the MIXO frame.
MIXO 300A connectors will be used in high-power installations, such as energy storage or high-power switching.
The operation, installation method and advantages of MIXO connectors are shown in the video below:
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